Meet the 2024 Woodland Hills Homecoming King and Queen and Their Court

Two seniors were crowned Woodland Hills Homecoming King and Queen on Friday, Oct. 4. Learn more about them and the rest of their court.

Introducing your 2024 Woodland Hills High School Homecoming King and Queen - Antoneo Merideth and Isabele Wilson! This year's court also features My-Khya Carrington, Troy Akins, Giniyah Clarke, Liam Blaney, Nyah Graham, Amere Brown, Olivia Hutcherson, George Hill, De'aira Jones, Nasir Neal, Remmi Miller, and Grant Todd.
Homecoming King and Queen Pose
The court poses at the pep rally
As is tradition, more royal business was conducted during the annual pep rally. Ms. Alicia Scaramuzzo and Mr. Robert Carr were named the Woodland Hills faculty King and Queen. Ms. Margie Rehm and Mr. John Neff were the runners-up. The seniors were victorious in the annual class float contest. This year's Homecoming theme was "A Party in Miami." The pep rally also featured the recognition of all of the fall sports - cross country, golf, girls soccer, boys soccer, girls tennis, girls volleyball, and football. It included performances by the Woodland Hills cheerleaders and the Woodland Hills pep band.
Later Friday evening, the Woodland Hills Marching Band and Images Visual Ensemble led the annual homecoming parade through Turtle Creek to the Wolvarena. First responders from local communities as well as youth organizations joined the band and the homecoming court for the parade.
At halftime, the court was recognized alongside their escorts. Learn more about this year's king, queen, and the entire court with their biographies below.
My-Khya Kanise Carrington
Second runner-up for queen. Escorted by mother My-Key Lundy and parent Brittany Jackson

My-Khya “Khya” Carrington’s favorite Woody High Memory is cheering at Friday Night Lights. She enjoys cheering the football team on and being around her teammates. Her first friend at Woodland Hills was Bella Caldwell. They went to Woodland Hills Academy, now Turtle Creek STEAM Academy. Her most influential teacher is Mr. Naill. She says he’s very understanding and easy going. He makes learning easy and effortless. He is very patient with his students and pushes students to be the greatest they can be. Everyone deserves a Mr. Naill! At school, she participates in cheer, track and field, Student Council, and Black Student Union. She started cheerleading for Woodland Hills Midget Football League in first grade and her passion has grown since. She is not the varsity cheer captain which she says is such a blessing going into senior year. In the future, she plans to attend college and become a midwife or gynecologist. She would love to finish her cheer career off strong by continuing cheer in college.

Carrington and her escorts

Troy Akins
Escorted by father Troy Akins Sr. and sister Tameka Akins

Troy Akins’ favorite high school memory is leading the student section during the Penn Hills game. His first friend was London Creach. His most influential teachers are Mrs. Tiboni and Mrs. Bostard. At Woodland Hills, Troy is the Student Council Vice President, FBLA President, Senior Class Vice President, Student Ambassador President, Golf Captain, Basketball Captain, Events Director, Peach Panel Peach Ambassador, and participates in Men of Valor. In the future, he plans to work in athlete representation.'

Akins and his escorts

Giniyah Renee Janay Clarke
First runner-up for queen. Escorted by father George Clarke and nana Renee Boswell

Giniyah “Ginny” Clarke’s favorite Woody High memory was getting asked to homecoming at a football game. Her first friend was Mercedes Bracy. Giniyah’s most influential teacher is Mr. Neff, her gym teacher. His energy and enthusiasm made physical education the best past of her school day. He focused on teamwork and personal growth, encouraging students to push their limits and face challenges with resilience and determination. Mr. Neff’s creative approach to fitness included not just traditional sports, but also fun activities like kickball - this was, every student could find something they enjoyed. His supportive nature created a safe space where Giniyah and her peers could express themselves, make friends, and develop a positive body image. Thanks to Mr. Neff, many students left his class with improved athletic skills and a lifelong appreciation for health and wellness. In his class, students learned important lessons about teamwork and perseverance that can be carried into their futures. At Woodland Hills, Giniyah is proud to be part of both the varsity track team and the varsity cheer team. Being on the track team helps her challenge herself physically and prove her speed and endurance, while also creating strong bonds with her teammates. On the cheer team, Giniyah gets to show her creativity and passion by supporting the school during games and events. Balancing both activities teach her important skills like time management and teamwork, as she works hard to contribute to each team’s success. These experiences not only help her grow as an athlete, but also lead to lasting friendships and unforgettable memories. In the future, Giniyah plans to become a nurse while also cheering and running track in college. She is passionate about helping others and believes nursing will let her make a positive impact in people’s lives. She also wants to stay active and involved in sports because cheerleading and track have taught her a lot about teamwork and perseverance. Giniyah knows that balancing her studies with athletics will be challenging, but is excited to push herself and grow in both areas and hops this will help her reach her career goals and create lasting memories and friendships.

Clarke and her escorts

Liam Blaney
First runner-up for king. Escorted by James Blaney and mother Barbara Blaney

Liam Blaney’s first Woody High memory was when the boys’ swim team went undefeated and won the section in the 2022-23 season. His first friend was Robby Steiner. His most influential teachers are Mrs. Tiboni, Mr. Maloney, Mr. Carr, and Mrs. Scaramuzzo. Liam says they lead fun and educational classrooms that allow him to open up and feel like a good education was always attainable. He is truly thankful for the person they have helped him become. At school, Liam has been a member of the boys’ swim team since his freshman year and joined the golf team in his sophomore year, where he is currently co-captain alongside Troy Akins. Additionally, he has participated in musicals since seventh grade and has been in the marching band since then as well, serving as the drum major for the past two years. In the future, Liam hopes to attend the University of Pittsburgh and study physical science and physical therapy. He hopes to then obtain a graduate degree in chiropractics.

Blaney and his escorts

Nyah Graham
Escorted by mother Shannon Graham and father Will Graham

Nyah Graham’s favorite Woody High memory is cheering in the homecoming parade her freshman year as a member of the varsity cheer team. She also enjoyed attending the homecoming dance in ninth grade - it was the most fun she had in high school! Her first friend was My-Khya Carrington. They met at little league cheer over the summer and ended up going to kindergarten together. Nyah’s most influential teacher was Mr. Naill. Mr. Naill wasn’t only hard on her about work, but also made sure she was okay mentally - he checked on her every day. At school, Nyah is in the Forbes Tech Program. At Forbes, she is pursuing a career in cosmetology. Outside of school, she has been working full time as an assistant at a hair salon for the past two years. In the future, Nyah plans on getting her real estate license and starting a hair company selling hair extensions.

Graham and her escorts

Amere Brown
Escorted by father Jerrid Brown and mother Angela Brown

Amere “Mere” Brown’s favorite Woody High memory was playing Bethel Park during his freshman year and having a Pick 6. His first friend was Scoop Smith. Amere’s most influential teacher is Mrs. Bostard - the way she pushes him is the best! At school, he participates in football, basketball, and track. In the future, Amere plans to continue playing football in college and getting his college degree.

Brown and his family

Olivia Hutcherson
Escorted by mother Lisa Vidallon and father William Hutcherson

Olivia “Liv” Hutcherson’s favorite Woody High memoirs is participating in sports. Track is the sport she’s had the best memories of. The Butler Invitational is always her favorite - the team plays duck-duck-goose every year! All the track invitationals she goes to have different reasons why they are good, and being in the invitationals are the one thing she will never forget and will miss the most. Olivia’s first friend was Aniyah Harper, and her most influential teacher is Mr. Toney. He is a great teacher and someone she can always joke around with. At school, Olivia participates in the National Honors Society, Student Council, and Black Student Union. She is the varsity captain of both track and cheerleading. She has done both sports for four years and plans to continue running track through college. In the future, Olivia plans on attending college to study nursing and forensics. She wants to become a forensic nurse in the future, but is also interested in criminal investigation.

Hutcherson and her escorts

George Hill
Escorted by mother Anita Blue and sister Jade Lavender

George “KG” Hill’s favorite Woody High memory is Friday Night Lights. His friend friend was Cam, and his most influential teacher is Mr. McDonough. At school, he participates in football. KG plans to attend college for four years and declare for the NFL draft once its time. 

Hill and his escorts

De’aira Jones
Escorted by mother Kiara Mockabee and father Demetrius Jones

De’aira “D” Jones’ favorite Woody High memories are being in the student section and beating rival teams. She has also loved being a student section leader during her senior year. Her first friend was Mitaizha Johnson - they’ve been best friends since kindergarten! De’aira’s most influential teacher are Mr. Naill and Ms. Rehm. De’aira says Mr. Naill has been there through it all with her and is a great teacher to talk to. He also pushes her through like her own parents. Much love to Mr. Naill! Ms. Rehm is also easy to talk to and will always be a real one. She tells the real and will never give up on any of her students. De’aira says she loves you! At school, De’aira participates in track, student leadership, and Peace Panel as an ambassador. She absolutely loves track because it is like an escape from life. She thinks running is so fun! De’aira loves being a leader in student leadership and showing how she can help people become leaders. She also likes helping people outside of school who are in need. The Peace Panel is also an escape - De’aira also shows leadership there and it is a program for people to feel safe and overcome trauma. In the future, De’aira wants to be an RN in labor and delivery. She plans on going into a program in a hospital instead of college to jump right into doing what she loves the most.

Jones and her escorts

Nasir Neal
Second runner-up for king. Escorted by mother Shelela Forbus and father Nigel Neal

Nasir “Nas” Neal’s favorite Woody High memory was Throwback Thursday his sophomore year when everybody participated. His first friend was My-Khya, and at school he participates in football and track and field. Nasir’s most influential teacher is Ms. Rehm because she has a unique ability to ignite his passion for learning and create an environment where he feels safe to express his thoughts. Her engaging teacher style makes even the most challenging subjects interesting, and her genuine support encourages Nasir to push his boundaries. She takes the time to connect with her students, understanding their individual strengths and struggles, which makes her guidance feel personal and impactful. Beyond academics, Ms. Rehm imparts important life lessons about resilience and empathy, inspiring Nasir to become not just a better student, but a better person. Her unwavering belief in his potential motivates him to strive for excellence. Mr. Rehm is a truly transformative presence in Nasir’s life. In the future, Nasir will focus on honing his football skills and showcasing his talent to the next level. He plans to prioritize physical conditioning, nutrition, and training to elevate his performance. Networking with coaches and mentors will help him gain exposure to college scouts. Nasir currently has two offers and is trying to expand the list! By excelling in college football, he plans to further develop his skills and compete at a high level. Nasir plans to ultimately aim to impress scouts at the NFL Combine, where he can showcase his athleticism and readiness for the NFL.

Neal and his escorts

Remmi Miller
Escorted by mother Rachel Klink and father Garry Miller

Remmi “RemDawg” Miller’s favorite high school memory has yet to come, besides making homecoming court. She cannot wait to graduate and go to prom again. She also enjoyed having her older friends and sister through ninth and tenth grade who guided her and showed her right from wrong. Remmi’s first friend was SaNaya Lee, who she met in kindergarten at Woodland Hills Academy. They are excited to graduate together in June! Remmi’s most influential teacher was Ms. Smith because she always allowed her to go in her room if she needed a break from reality - and she always had snacks! Her other most influential teacher is Ms. Bostard. At school, Remmi played basketball during ninth grade and track track during eleventh grade. Throughout high school, she also worked after school and during the summer. In the future, Remmi plans to move to North Carolina and find a new lifestyle to live. She wants to take a year to herself and understand who she is as a growing young woman and do online college classes to get her ready for her dream school: North Carolina A&T where she wants to earn her degree in business and psychology. From there, she wants to make her way to become one of the biggest stock investors.

Miller and her escorts

Grant Levi Todd
Escorted by mother Michelle Collins and father Rashid Todd

Grant “Lee” Todd’s favorite Woody High memory was going to the National Museum of African American History and Culture, colloquially known as the Blacksonian on the National Mall in Washington D. C. with the Black Student Union. Grant’s first friend was Tailynn Kemp-Denson and his most influential teacher is Mr. Naill. At school Grant participates in Men of Valor, Student Summit Leadership, Woodland Hills Peace Ambassadors, and is the treasurer of Black Student Union. In the future, Grant plans on attending Hampton University under the Department of Defense STEM Program and majoring in Cyber Security.

Todd and his escorts

Isabele Wilson
Homecoming Queen. Escorted by mother Lisa Wilson and father Steve Wilson

Isabele “Izz” Wilson’s favorite Woody High memory is when the girls’ soccer team made playoffs for the first time in 30 years her sophomore year. She has also really enjoyed Friday night football games. Isabele’s first friend was Marina Rolandi. They have been friends since before pre-k and are still friends to this day! Isabele’s most influential teacher is Mrs. Tiboni because she is so much more than just a teacher at Woodland Hills. She supports all of her students and makes learning fun. Isabele is the captain of the girls’ varsity soccer team, the senior class treasurer, and has been a part of student council for four years. She is one of the student section leaders and loves to do face paint. She has also been dancing at Amie’s Dance Academy for almost 15 years! In the future, Isabele plans to go to a four year college and try to study engineering. She also wants to travel a lot after high school.

Wilson and her escorts

Antoneo Merideth
Homecoming King. Escorted by mother Mia Merideth and sister Don’tazha Kelly

Antoneo “Ace” Meridith’s favorite Woody High memory was 90s Day during his freshman year. It was a very eventful day - students took a lot of pictures and videos and everybody participated. Antoneo came to Woodland Hills in seventh grade and his first friend was Cymeon McCoy in Mr. Brown’s class. He also met one of his cousins, Dewy, on the same day and they have been close ever since. Antoneo’s most influential teacher is Ms. Rehm. She gives great advice and helps guide him through his high school years with the knowledge she gained from being at Woodland Hills for so long. He also feels the same about Mr. Youngblood. In the future, Antoneo plans to be a very successful real estate agent selling home and commercial properties. His future journey consists of him being an entrepreneur, owning a real estate company and many other businesses, to provide jobs for individuals in his community.

Merideth and his escorts